Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Beginning

So, tomorrow will be my first day of P90X with 2 of my friends and I am filled with emotion.  I am super excited to get into shape and be happy with myself for once.  I'm terrified that it'll be so hard that I'll want to quit.  It is supposed to be hard, but I have a good support system here.  I'm hopeful with anticipation of a better mood, more energy, and less anxiety.  And, as always, I'm anxious with no real founding.
I've been reading about this for days now and have begun to plan for a healthy diet to go along with the work outs.  Of course, exercise is nothing if you don't eat right too.  I have a smoothie recipe from a Homeopathic doctor, and some healthy eating cookbooks.  Tomorrow I'm going to stock up on tuna in olive oil (from Trader Joe's, the only place I can find it), veggies, quinoa, flax seeds, and fruit.

In the quest for change I am making small commitments at a time.  Being healthy is number one above all, and with that will come happiness in myself.  I have dealt with anxiety in varying degrees, for over a year now, ever since Alex and I got married.  They say that big life events can bring on bouts of panic attacks.  As we plan to move North, and BUY a house I want to prepare myself better this time.  The healthier and more active I am, the easier it should be.

And I dyed my hair red...something else new.
All in all, no matter what exact results I get I go to sleep tonight with the comfort of knowledge that this is a big step in the right direction.  Oo, I can already feel those endorphines flow.

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