Friday, November 2, 2018

Five Years Later

Okay, so it's been FIVE YEARS since I last wrote anything. Part of that was a simple neglect of blogging. A big part of that was my education took over my life. As I worked toward a Masters degree in Spanish I was overwhelmed with choices and things I could do with my degree! I discovered the wonders of translation, definitely my new favorite activity, as well as linguistics, pedagogy and as before a love of history and the written word.
Well, I graduated in June!
I made it through the exams and theses and came out the other side with an MA in Spanish from the University of Oregon! 
Since then I have been working on a translation project of my own as well as some freelance copyediting. I'm translating a collection of fables by Fernán Caballero (Cecilia Böhl de Faber) called Cuentos de Encantamiento, which I have translated as Tales of Enchantment. It's a lovely project, and I find it culturally important since the awareness of the Spanish fable is lacking. We know the Brothers Grimm, Aesop, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, Rudyard Kipling, but we're missing better representation of incredible authors like French fairy tale writer Madame D'Aulnoy and Cecilia Böhl de Faber who wrote in the late 1800s Spain, under the pseudonym of Fernán Caballero! My goal is to translate all of the tales in this collection as well as illustrate many of the stories. And so, I am starting up my blog with the goal of sharing some of these wonderful stories with people. I currently have a few lovely friends following me, and as a start that's fantastic! If you know anyone who may be interested in fables, fun for all ages, this is where they can find them! 
Cuentos coming soon!!!