Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Do you have any idea how bizarre it is to have friends and family write letters about your relationship with your husband.  The whole thing is surreal and strange to me.  In order to prove to those bureaucratic idiots that we are a real live loving couple we are now asked to have others vouch for us.  To be sure that it is done correctly I have had to read the affidavits.  I realized that all my friends who have gotten married recently and even less recently have never had to go through this type of ordeal.  Sure it's neat to hear my mom say she thought we were in love from the moment she met Alex, or read that my aunt thinks he is a stand up guy; but it is weird.  So here I sit, surrounded by pages of the I-864, affidavits, and bank statements thinking maybe everyone should have to do this.  It would probably put a dent in divorce, but then again, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.  The first year of marriage should be a blissful settling into a world filled with one another's nuances and habits, learning what to expect.  It should not be a year of trying to prove that we really do love each other.  So much so that, in fact, we have the assets to prove it.  Who would have thought that money would be essential is proving a legal and sound marriage...I thought it was love and companionship!  Silly me.

It all makes illegal immigration so much more understandable!  Thank god for family, friends, and legal advice or I might have gone bald from stress and blind from reading a computer screen by now.  Then where would the happy young newlywed couple be!  :)

Lo traduciré a castellano luego, me duele la cabeza y tengo que comer!  Pero os quiero igual!!

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