Saturday, March 24, 2012

End of Week 3!

I bought a book, which has been around for a little while, called You Are What You Eat and have been using Dr. Gillian McKeith's advice to eat healthier.  A friend of mine mentioned that she used to use her detoxes when she felt unwell.  No wonder it sounded like familiar and sound advice!  When we started working out I thought that I just needed to eat more veggies, which I've always loved, and healthier proteins and carbs.  I have become a little obsessed with nutrition and what I put into my body.  I have been researching nutrition studies online and through documentaries and books.  
I have always tried to eat organic where needed.  (There is a list called the Dirty Dozen which not only lists the fruits and veggies with the most pesticide residue, but also those at the bottom of the list, things you peel or simply don't need to buy organic.)  I've extended my love of organic fruits and vegetables to eating a healthy plant-based diet.  
The film Forks Over Knives talks about the huge benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables in our diets, and the unnecessary addition of meats as protein as many fruits and veggies contain plenty of protein.  As I watched it I jokingly called it "vegan propaganda," but I have to say that it makes a convincing argument. I would recommend it to anyone interested, there is a link above.  I would also recommend Food Matters, which discusses the importance of vitamins and their healing properties, as wells as the need to avoid processed foods and eat vegetables instead.  The most astounding film was called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and was about an Australian man who was sick and overweight who went on a juice diet.  He traveled across the United States, starting in New York, and juiced his meals for 60 days!  He detoxified his body to the point where he no longer needed medication.  Along the way he spoke with people about what he was doing and one man in a truck stop told him he had the same disease and was morbidly obese.  After one journey finishes happily, another begins with the truck driver who was in fear of his life.  It is absolutely incredible what eating enough fruits and vegetables will do for a person!!  They are both happy, fit, and healthy men with long lives ahead of them.  It makes you think, is a few moments of pleasure over a cheeseburger worth it in the long run?  Sure, once in awhile, but I know I personally had to make a big change in my life!
So, today is day three of a vegan diet and we bought a juicer.  I'll let you know how it goes!!  
Eat well, exercise well, sleep well and feel well!
ABC's Juice from Reeboot website.

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